
A video and chat community for stock traders.
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Users are already using the platform

Stock traders earn by repeating after pro trader Sean from the US. He came to us to develop a video conference to teach others how to trade.

Stream your trading and watch others do so

The main feature of the platform is streams. Share your experience with others not just by giving advice but by actually showing what you’re doing. Answer questions in chat.

Watch the best videos whenever you want

The best streams and lessons make their way to the video section. Watch those videos at any time.

Subscribe to favourite traders

Don’t miss your favourite streamers online. Subscribe - and you’ll be notified once they go live. Simply click on their nickname and you’ll end up in their personal room with those charts. Other widgets that showcase how the trader’s performing are also available.

Check your and others’ trading charts and other widgets

Access your chart from your profile. Check out different types of charts that other traders earn money for streaming! Withdraw your earnings to PayPal once they reach a certain amount.

Premium subscription

Sharks and those aspiring to become them can purchase a Premium subscription. Streams and videos from the best users will unlock, including ones from the owner of the platform.

Allow payments, add or remove users and videos as admin

The admin allows payments for people, adds users or removes their accounts.  The admin also removes videos, moves them to the featured category.

Review from client

"I liked how well they took direction. Any vision I had, they made it happen!"
Sean Dekmar · CEO Stock Company, Pennsylvania, USA
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